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Welcome to PMA (inspired by Ben Franklin) You will find awesome stories of what’s happening in my brain! I will review books, movies, and video games. I will post comics, puzzles, and riddles! Happy reading --Mag

Monday, July 25, 2011

Should we feel sorry for Rebecca Black?

Most of you have seen the Rebecca Black singing “Friday” video. And you think, Oh she is such a bad singer, the song dumb! Well I have the real story on how she got set up--- Rebecca was a ordinary girl, and she was interested in singing, acting, and dancing. Her mom wanted her daughter to not be a pop star. Rebecca pleaded to do an audition and her mom said, “ Music is hard work and I’ll let you do 1 video to show you how hard it can be.” So she talked to a company called ARK music factory where parents pony up money to let there children sing. The company shoots the video, writes the song, and hires the extras. Rebecca loved shooting the video and she wanted to do another one. Her mother posted the video on youtube and people started writing bad comments. And even the company admits the song was dumb. So there you have it...The story of a girl who want to sing.

Here’s the NPR story if you want to read more:


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